Need to improve your seat while riding but don't know how?

You are in the right place.

Enroll in this workshop to learn the 4 stages of how to achieve a better seat!

Through comprehensive video exercise libraries and detailed PDFs of each module, learn how to achieve an independent seat through cross training!

Improve your seat through stages of cross training

Learn the importance of a good seat, explore the connection between rider and horse through the seat and work your way through this workshop with our Stages of Achieving a Better Seat pyramid.

Video Exercise Library to Help with your Seat

Learn different core stabilizing exercises, glute activation, hip strengthening exercises and balance drills that will sky rocket the way you use your seat.

Learn How to Supple your Body to Ride Better

We believe in holistic training and this includes learning breathing techniques and body awareness drills to help us supple our body for a better seat!

In this Workshop, you will learn:

✅ The Stages of Achieving a Better Seat

✅ Symptoms of riders that do not have an independent seat

✅ Anatomy and Biomechanics of a Good Seat

✅ Building a Solid Foundation through Progressive Core Training

✅ Different Exercise Library depending on fitness level

✅ How to Find your Seat through Glute Activation and Hip Mobility and Flexibility

✅ Proper Posture and Alignment through Balance Training

✅ Breathing and Mind Body Awareness Exercises to Improve your Mind-Body Connection in the saddle

✅ Follow along Mobility and Stretching routine to build suppleness in your body

Example Curriculum

  Module 1: Introduction to the Importance of a Good Seat
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Anatomy and Biomechanics of a Good Seat
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Core Strengthening for a Solid Foundation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Glute Activation and Hip Strengthening
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Balance and Stability Training
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Suppleness of your own body

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Materials
Available in days
days after you enroll

Only $99!
($627 value)

🐴 Lifetime access to all video lessons, including explanations on how to cross train for a better seat using our one of a kind training scale, video exercise library for each module, booklet with full exercise details and how it helps your riding, follow along mobility and stretching routines ($349 value)

🐴 Printable booklets of all modules that include exercise glossaries ($189 value)

🐴 BONUS: Printable Workout Routines using the Training Scale ($89 value)

Learn how to cross train using our one of a kind training scale!

We have designed this training pyramid to help you improve your seat and improve your ride! This Workshop follows these stages and teaches you what to do in each stage.